Perch volleyball

Orient Beach Forum
May 18 2024 18:01


Perch volleyball
August 19 2016 08:34

Is anyone doing volleyball near the Perch? We will be there Dec 31-Jan 14. It is always fun if there are enough players. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a professional.


Replies ...

August 19 2016 14:56

When we were there earlier in the Summer, we didn't see any volleyball. In fact I don't remember ever seeing volleyball, but then we have always been in the Summer, which is low season.
August 21 2016 15:06

The times we were there, someone is always playing. They use to keep the ball at the Perch. Just ask them. Once a few people go out, more will follow. A great way to make new friends.
December 16 2016 08:56

Any updates on the volleyball court? Hey, Dr. J, got any suggestions on how to rev up enthusiasm for volleyball, like you get for the beachball races? HAHA. We arrive Dec 30-looking forward to Carib and a little exercise.
December 16 2016 10:47

We were at Club O last month and the volleyball court was up and in use. Enjoy your trip.
December 16 2016 15:29

Steve and Cindylou,
Take the volleyball to your chairs, sit in the front row and people will ask you what time. If that doesn't work wait until after happy hour and walk up the beach tossing it up and down and drag those sand gravity butts out of their chairs.
There will always be people who want a little exercise and fun.
Carib cheers from the frozen tundra. -15 real temp this am
December 17 2016 21:41

Thanks for the helpful hints. A bit chilly in NE South Dakota tonight, -19F, with a breeze wind chill -39. Sunny and 80-85F with a breeze is going to be a nice change.
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